Wine With Fish

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Pairing wine with fish can offer a harmonious blend of flavours. The best wine choice often depends on the type of fish and its preparation. Here are some general guidelines:

Light and Delicate Fish
For fish that are light and delicate in flavour, such as sole or flounder, opt for light-bodied white wines. A classic choice is a crisp and refreshing Sauvignon Blanc or a delicate Pinot Grigio. These wines complement the fish’s subtlety without overpowering it.

Oily or Rich Fish
For richer, oilier fish such as salmon or mackerel, consider wines with a bit more body or acidity to cut through the richness. A Chardonnay with a hint of oak can be great, as can a Rosé for something a bit different but equally complementary.

White Fish with Creamy Sauces
If your fish dish includes a creamy sauce, a fuller-bodied white wine like an oaked Chardonnay can be a fantastic match. The wine’s richness harmonises with the creaminess of the sauce, creating a balanced and indulgent pairing.

Fish with Tomato-Based Sauces
For fish dishes served with tomato-based sauces, a light to medium-bodied red wine can work surprisingly well. A Pinot Noir or a light Grenache can complement the acidity of the tomato without overwhelming the fish.

Sushi and Raw Fish
When enjoying sushi or raw fish, a Dry Riesling or Sparkling Wine such as Champagne or Prosecco can be exceptionally refreshing. The wine’s acidity and bubbles offer a palate-cleansing effect that enhances the flavours of the fish.

Grilled Fish
Grilled fish dishes benefit from wines that can stand up to the smoky flavours. A Vermentino or a Sauvignon Blanc with its herbal notes can add an extra dimension to the meal.

In wine pairing, personal preference plays a significant role, so feel free to experiment.