Low Alcohol

  • The Paradoxes of Dealcoholised Wine Production

    The Paradoxes of Dealcoholised Wine Production

    In the DrinksBusiness, an anonymous wine producer criticises the growing trend of dealcoholised wines, arguing that the process is energy-intensive, costly, and significantly alters the wine’s original qualities, resulting in a product that lacks flavour and structure. The producer contends that the necessary additives to recreate the wine’s taste and stability are unnatural and environmentally…

  • Exploring Sustainability Trade-offs in Non-Alcoholic Wine Production

    Exploring Sustainability Trade-offs in Non-Alcoholic Wine Production

    New research titled “Balancing Gains and Losses—A Research Note on Tradeoffs in the Case of Non-Alcoholic Wines in Germany,” authored by Frederik Nikolai Schulz, Alexander A. Kugel, and Jon H. Hanf, in Germany, explores the increasing significance of non-alcoholic wines . It highlights the dynamic market development of these products in recent years and addresses…

  • Tasty Low-alcohol Wines

    Tasty Low-alcohol Wines

    The Financial Times Newspaper has an article on Low-alcohol Wines that Offer Great Taste Without the Headache (might be behind paywall by the time you read this). Wines with alcohol by volume (ABV) between 3.5% and 9% and those naturally low in alcohol like some German Rieslings, are gaining popularity for their ability to combine…

  • Young Britons Lead the Surge in Low and No Alcohol Drinks

    Young Britons Lead the Surge in Low and No Alcohol Drinks

    Harpers is reporting revealing insight into the changing habits of UK drinkers. The latest YouGov poll, conducted in partnership with the Portman Group, has highlighted a significant shift towards low and no alcohol beverages, particularly among the younger generation. The survey, now in its sixth year, shows that nearly half of the 18-24 age group,…