
  • Do You Want a ‘Watered’ Down Version of a Wine?

    Do You Want a ‘Watered’ Down Version of a Wine?

    Richard Siddle writes on the London (Trade) Wine Fair web site on how our wines might be changing soon, without our consent. Richard discusses the complexities and strategies behind wine selection and sales in retail outlets, driven primarily by industry dynamics rather than consumer preference. Factors like international currency strength, harvest quality and government taxes…

  • The Evolving Advice for UK Wine Buying

    The Evolving Advice for UK Wine Buying

    The UK’s wine market is undergoing a transformation, influenced by factors like the cost of living crisis, Brexit and new alcohol duty regulations. David Williams, a wine writer for The Guardian newspaper, has some advice for navigating this shifting landscape. David says the new baseline for a good, everyday bottle is £8 rather than £5.99….

  • A Gradual UK Duty Rate Rise

    A Gradual UK Duty Rate Rise

    If you’ve been visiting the wine shops over the past month, you may have noticed something peculiar. Despite the recent duty hike, not all wine prices have gone up. In some instances, like at Asda, prices initially remained stable, with a few wines experiencing a, greater than duty change, surge much more recently. Meanwhile, The…

  • Increases in UK Wine Duty

    Increases in UK Wine Duty

    From August 1, 2023, the UK has a new taxation policy on alcohol, primarily based on the drink’s alcohol strength. This change is expected to cause an approximate 9% rise in duty for nearly 90% of all still wine. With an additional 10.1% duty increase linked to the Retail Price Index (RPI), wine drinkers are…