
  • How Climate Change is Affecting Bordeaux Wine Producers

    How Climate Change is Affecting Bordeaux Wine Producers

    New research examines the impact of climate change on the income of wine producers in the Bordeaux region. The study analyses the relationship between climate variables, vineyard characteristics and economic performance. The findings indicate that rising temperatures and changing rainfall patterns significantly affect vineyard yields and income, with high temperatures during the bloom period (May…

  • Belle France Bordeaux Rouge

    Belle France Bordeaux Rouge

    This bottle of Belle France Bordeaux Rouge, purchased as part of Aldi’s Wine of the Week promotion, represents excellent value for money and is almost certainly sold at below cost to get customers into stores. Priced at £9.99, and reduced to only £4.99, which is quite a bargain for a Bordeaux. The wine is a…

  • Cru Bourgeois du Médoc

    Cru Bourgeois du Médoc

    In mid-November 2024, I attended a Cru Bourgeois du Médoc tasting event in London, featuring a selection of 64 wines from the 2022 vintage. Roughly 60% of the wines presented were seeking representation, making it an interesting event for industry professionals and wine merchants on the lookout for new additions. I’ve put together a short…

  • Understanding Cru Bourgeois du Médoc

    Understanding Cru Bourgeois du Médoc

    Building upon the my previous article on Understanding Bordeaux Wines, this piece looks into the world of Cru Bourgeois du Médoc, a classification that offers high-quality yet accessible wines from Bordeaux’s Left Bank. The term Cru Bourgeois has historical roots that trace back to the Middle Ages. During this period, the term “bourgeois” referred to…

  • The Bordeaux Experience

    The Bordeaux Experience

    On 1st May 2024, the inaugural event of Vins de Bordeaux’s new global campaign, ‘The Bordeaux Crew’ came to London, designed collaboratively by the region’s winemaking community. This initiative was supported by the Bordeaux Wine Council (CVIB) and aimed to engage both the wine industry and enthusiasts. The event showcased a curated selection of over…

  • The Decline of Bordeaux Wine

    The Decline of Bordeaux Wine

    The Bordeaux wine region of France is currently facing a myriad of challenges that threaten its position in the global wine market. Red wine consumption in France has seen a significant decline in recent decades. Many French consumers are now opting for alternative beverages like beer. While premium Bordeaux wines continue to find buyers, the…