• Italy’s Wine Classifications

    Italy’s Wine Classifications

    The top of Italian wine classification is the Denominazione di Origine Controllata e Garantita (DOCG). Wines under this category have undergone the most stringent regulations. They come from precisely delineated regions and have passed a meticulous taste examination and chemical tests. The regulations encompass aspects ranging from grape varieties and wine production methods to specific…

  • Pontarelli Toscana Rosso

    Pontarelli Toscana Rosso

    This wine, IGT classified, is a blend of 15% Cabernet Sauvignon, 15% Merlot and a dominant 70% Sangiovese produced exclusively for Marks & Spencer. It undergoes a mixed fermentation process, utilising a combination of concrete, stainless steel tanks and large oak casks. This method is designed to enhance the wine’s fruit characters. Critics seem to…